Alan Greenberg , CEO Bear,Stearns & Co,en réponse à des questions sur le krach boursier de 1987, deux jours plus tard :
« Stocks fluctuate, next question. »
James J. Cramer, fondateur de theStreet.com :
« Those who thought Black Monday on 1987 was the most frightening day of their lives are forgetting those first few hours of Terrible Tuesday, when the market as we know it simply ceased to exist…. In fact, the dirty little secret of that Tuesday morning is that the screens simply weren’t functioning. It was like the Wild West out there. Anything you tried to buy simply went up ahead of you until you caught it and then it would come down so fast that you could lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in mere seconds. I retreated to the sidelines rather than endure that kind of punishment. »
Il y plein d’autres citations à propos du krach de 1987 qui feraient pâlir d’envie le bêtisier d’éconoclaste sur ce site.
(trouvé grâce à Mahalanobis)